体形:Slim测量:36-19-32身高:5 ft 0 in (152 cm)体量:94 lbs (or 43 kg)巨乳型:Fake胸部尺寸:36F (80F)
关于Holly HalstonThe age-old riddle goes like this: Were MILFs made to have big tits, or were big tits made for MILFs? Holly Halston seems to be the solution to this quandary. She’s a mega MILF who’s got the rack to attract the young meat. Her tits are so big they overpower anyone’s resistance to her charms. If Holly was your girlfriend's hot mother, you'd be in major trouble when you visit for Sunday dinner. Try and scream and this pushy MILF will shut you up with a mouthful of fat tit. She’s got that cleavage runway for long hard dick sliding, poking up at the chin and spraying her chesticles down with some pearl-colored splatter art. Whether she’s platinum blonde or jet black raven, Holly can make a man’s eyeballs get a boner. Speaking of boners, Holly feels so right at home with the longest yard stretching down her gullet, you’d think she was destined to suck cock. The way she takes it up her pink palace and rides it into brown-town is so damn ball-blowingly raunchy, you’re going to need a shower just from clicking on a link. Holly might be in the mature stage of her game but she still plays harder than most budding starlets who could only dream of racking up the praise just like Holly does. Fans around the world are justified in calling Holly America’s Naughtiest MILF, and you’d be fully justified in milking your own bone several times a day watching her.