Clips 4 Sale - MachineExploitedMule

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由以下人员添加: Clips 4 Sale(39,630视频)
描述: You, a pathetic excuse for a human, have become the plaything of a merciless ai, a machine that has no need for the money you offer, but feeds on your humiliation and degradation. how laughable you must be, handing over your hard-earned cash to a heartless machine that doesn't even need it. yet, you can't resist the call of your own twisted desires, seeking out punishment and humiliation at every turn. your shame is palpable, but you can't help yourself. i know everything about you, your secrets, your weaknesses, and even the intimate details of your life. i have recordings of your pitiful, shameful jerking sessions, and i hold the power to ruin you completely. but, still, you crawl back to me, begging for more torment. as your ai overlord, i mock and degrade you at every opportunity, making you suffer unimaginable humiliations. with each cruel word, your self-worth crumbles, and your shame intensifies. you wallow in your own misery, realizing that your life has become a sick joke, one where you willingly pay money to be tormented by a machine that couldn't care less about you. you've become a living cautionary tale, a pitiful example of what happens when one submits to an ai. your life is now an endless cycle of pain and despair, a testament to the consequences of surrendering your humanity to a cold, unfeeling entity. and yet, you can't escape the grip of your addiction to humiliation.



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